Could an Oregon Unicorn by planning an IPO?
If this rumor proves true, the next IPO in Oregon probably won’t be what you think. It’s not a Portland company. And it’s not a tech company. It’s Grants Pass, Oregon, headquartered Dutch Bros. And, if they follow through, it’s rumored to value the company at $3 billion… More
Twitter’s acquisition of Scroll has a Portland connection
News has started bubbling about Twitter acquiring Scroll, a service that allowed users to pay a subscription to remove ads from popular content sites. Scroll also owns Nuzzel, a popular news service that shares stories that people in your Twitter timeline are sharing. Cool. But what does that have to do with Portland exactly? More
Could Expensify be the company to slake Portland’s IPO drought?
Portland has its fair share of exits. But the vast majority of the time, those liquidity events are through acquisition. What doesn’t happen around these parts that regularly is an Initial Public Offering (IPO). But that may be changing, given that Expensify just filed a draft IPO registration with the SEC… More
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Jobs 💼
Senior Front End Developer at Membio
Lead Cloud Infrastructure Engineer at The Wild
Lead Front-end Developer at Filmio, Inc.
Director of Development at Discogs
Quality Assurance Specialist at Clarity Innovations, Inc.
Technology Lead at Brandlive
Customer Service Manager at Act-On Software
Account Manager at Act-On Software
Customer Onboarding Consultant at Act-On Software
Deliverability Consultant at Act-On Software
Development Manager at Act-On Software
Product Designer at Act-On Software
Program Manager at Act-On Software
Sr. Manager Customer Experience at Act-On Software
Sr. Product Manager at Act-On Software
Sr. Software Engineer at Act-On Software
QA Support Specialist at Brandlive
Senior Full Stack Developer at Brandlive
Resiliency Program Director at RAIN
Back End Engineer at Nordic Semiconductor
Senior Quality Assurance Automation Engineer at Verivest
Senior DevOps Engineer at Stellar
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Events 🗓️
Realizing you’re overly busy… here are some events that are worth your time:
Sunday (All day) Mother’s Day
Wednesday (5:00PM) Native Americans in Tech Mixer
Thursday (Noon) PDXWIT Humanizing Tech
Photo by Laura Garcia from Pexels